The Last Mystery: The Standel 25L15
One of the last great mysteries of the musical world can be posed as a question: "What's inside the Standel 25L15?".
devoted to the pursuit of all things of interest to former Douglas Aircraft workers and anything else that looks remotely interesting. I do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation. . . . I am in earnest -- I will not equivocate -- I will not excuse -- I will not retreat a single inch -- AND I WILL BE HEARD-William Lloyd Garrison
One of the last great mysteries of the musical world can be posed as a question: "What's inside the Standel 25L15?".
Fresh from his duet with Tom Jones, Bono, the frontman for U-2 is reportedly going to meet with Sarah Palin and other world leaders where she's going to get the intro.
US News and World Reports tells us this day that John McCain's campaign manager-that's right folks, the manager, he's the guy who runs the show, sets the strategy, steers the Hummer H3 over the bodies of naysayers and whiners...yes, that campaign manager isa fella named Rick Davis.
This one goes to John McCain. Here's what he said recently in reference to the Fannie/Freddie meltdown. This is a quote, folks.
"Sen. Obama did nothing, and actually profited from this system of abuse and scandal. While Fannie and Freddie were working to keep Congress away from their house of cards, Sen. Obama was taking their money. He got more, in fact, than any other member of Congress, except for the Democratic chairmen of the committee that oversees them…Using money and influence, they prevented reforms that would have curbed their power and limited their ability to damage our economy. And now, as ever, the American taxpayers are left to pay the price for Washington’s failure."
Here's the G2 on who works for the self described Mavericks.
Rick Davis, Campaign Manager, led the Homeownership Alliance that fought for Fannie, Freddie and others.
Charlie Black, a top adviser, earned huge sums lobbying Fannie and Freddie.
Fred Malek, a national finance co-chair, is a former Freddie board member.
McCain Fannie lobbyists:
Wayne Berman – National Finance Co-Chairman
Kirk Blalock - fundraiser
Kirsten Chadwick – fundraiser
Arthur Culvahouse – Headed the veep hunt
John Green – Congressional liaison
Richard Hohlt – fundraiser
Aleix Jarvis – fundraiser
Mike Kennedy – fundraiser
Alison McSlarrow – Women for McCain Steering committee
Aquiles Suarez – Economic adviser
McCain Freddie lobbyists:
Wayne Berman – a Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lobbyist who is a McCain national finance co-chair.
Carlos Bonilla – economic adviser
Melissa Edwards – fundraiser
Juleanna Glover Weiss – fundraiser
John Green – Congressional liaison
Susan Molinari – Women for McCain Steering committee
Don Sundquist – Tennessee State co-chair .
Dan Crippen — a policy adviser and a finance lobbyist.
David Crane — a policy adviser and finance lobbyist
Janet Grissom — a steering committee member and a finance lobbyist.
Vicki Hart — a steering committee member and finance lobbyist.
James Hyland — a fundraiser; steering committee member and finance lobbyist.
Arthur Culvahouse — a Fannie Mae lobbyist who headed McCain’s veep search.
John Green — a Congressional liaison and lobbyist.
Susan Molinari — a steering committee member and Freddie Mac lobbyist.
Don Sundquist — Tennessee co-chair and Freddie Mac lobbyist.
Alison McSlarrow — a steering committee member and Fannie Mae lobbyist.
Aquiles Suarez – an economic adviser and Fannie Mae lobbyist
The following are McCain fund-raisers and financial lobbyists for ailing financial firms: Melissa Edwards, Juleanna Glover Weiss, Richard Hohlt, Aleix Jarvis, Mike Kennedy, Kirk Blalock, Kirsten Chadwick, .Peter Madigan, Steve Phillips, Judy Black, Kirsten Chadwick
And last but not least, there's Phil "Americans are a bunch of whiners" Gramm, economic policy adviser who wrote the Financial Modernization Act of 1999 that many blame for opening the floodgates. Also wrote the Enron loophole in 2001.
The Obama campaign does have some people connected with this group, and in the interests of full disclosure (which is more than the Maverick Party seems to be capable of), here they are:
Robert Rubin — The former Clinton administration Treasury Secretary who advised Bill Clinton to sign Gramm’s legislation.
William Daley — the former Commerce Secretary and an Obama adviser and lobbied for Fannie Mae
Jim Johnson — was a veep search adviser and fundraiser until quitting over loans he got from Fannie Mae, which he ran before the firm dipped so deeply into subprime territory.
Penny Pritzker — Obama’s national finance chair, her familiy co-owned Superior Bank FSB, which went belly up in 2001, and runs credit reporting giant TransUnion.
Brandon Hurlbut — a liaison in New Hampshire, lobbied for the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies.
Broderick Johnson — an informal adviser and high-powered lobbyist for a number of finance firms.
Obama also has fund-raisers who lobby or are leaders at big finance firms. The Obama campaign says these people have no input on policy. They include: Timothy Broas, who lobbied for AIG’s; Ted Janulis, John Rhea, and Nadja Fidelia, of Lehman Brothers, Eric Schwarz, Todd Williams and David Heller of Goldman Sachs, and Citigroup’s Michael Froman and J. Michael Schell.
My apologies to the NY Daily News and Mike McAuliff for grabbing a buncha stuff, but this shit is BIG.
Read the Daily News, people. They'll set you straight.
We're informed today that the only American victim in the recent suicide bombing of the embassy in Yemen was Susan El-Baneh, an American 18 year old who'd gone there to be married to a Yemeni fellow.
That's right folks.
I was doing a little reading on this subject, yr lordship, and here's what I found. Let's say that Shanahan the mechanic and Gallagher the carter have themselves what you would call a little side bet. Shanahan agrees to give Gallagher a bit of his paycheck iviry Friday over t' Dooley's saloon fer the benefit of Gallagher's poor impoverished relatives in the ould sod, the sort that are known as investors, who have advanced their pennies to Gallagher for divers purposes. While this is going on, Gallagher and Shanahan are watching the representations of McFadden the man from the brewery, O'Reilly the meter reader from th' gas works, and Wong Sun from th' laundry what does the linens for Dooley's foine establishment. If it appears that Dooley has stopped paying his bills, Gallagher delivers the keys to his car and his house to Shanahan in fee simple absolute to the eternal discouragement of his wife and young 'uns. And that, yr honor, is the story of AIG and credit default swaps and why they're in the news these days. Oh, the fellers over at Lehman's Dry Goods? A lad named Orwell stopped by for a Guiness and he remarked as how all animals were equal only some are more equal than others, which means that maybe Gallagher and Shanahan knew more than Dooley gave 'em credit for. With apologies to Finley Peter Dunne. |
It's a masterpiece of convergence, really, when you consider that a lot of people on Wall Street and elsewhere may be out on their asses before the week is over.
We heard last night that Lehman Brothers, the Wall Street investment banker was getting ready to file for bankruptcy as soon as the ink was dry on the petition. This was so because Uncle's wallet was not going to guarantee the purchase to any potential buyers.
If a credit event occurs, the typical contract either settles by delivery by the buyer to the seller of a (usually defaulted) debt obligation of the reference entity against a payment by the seller of the par value ("physical settlement") or the seller pays the buyer the difference between the par value and the market price of a specified debt obligation, typically determined in an auction ("cash settlement")."
What that sounds like to me is Joe and Willie agree that Joe will give Willie a piece of his paycheck every week, with the understanding that if O'Malley the bartender stops paying his bills Willie delivers the keys to his house and his car to Joe.
And these people get how much in bonuses and golden parachutes for this kind of advice?
Recently we've been hearing a lot of the lady over on the left. That's right folks, Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska and one time mayor of beautiful downtown Wasilla, Alaska and VP candidate in the McCain campaign.
The fine folks at google-who are also the people who provide blogger to lumpen proles like me-have recently released a beta version of Chrome, their entry into the internet browser field.