Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The poison papers-day one.


The poison papers-day one

I was on the slab from about 11:00 to 3:00 getting the Mobil High Test juice. As they hooked me up I was thinking "Now. Go in there and kill those little bastards or chase them out of the neighborhood."

Some weird things happened. I uncoupled myself from the lunar launch mast for a trip to the loo and I ended up pissing myself a bit. Mucho embarrassmento.

But things dry up. Figured out the channels with the remote. It had been on faux news and I can't think of anything worse to fry your brains with when getting chemo.

The two compounds are rituxin and bendamustine so I won't get peripheral neuropathy again, The vincristine I got the last time made pooping a mind altering experience I've no wish to repeat.

I was told I would see the results shortly and the lymph nodes seem to be reducing themselves in size and texture.

About the only side effect I have noticed is my ears are ringing a bit, but-and maybe this was just because it was a nice day out-my vision seemed clearer and more acute.

So back tomorrow for another armload and a cameo appearance for something called neulasta om Thursday, then a month off.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Dark Shadow emerges again.

 The Dark Shadow Reemerges.

It has been a long time since I posted anything here but I will keep a running log of my experiences with a new round of chemotherapy for the same old shit.

That's right folks, my lymphoma has reemerged from wherever it was hiding. A biopsy and a couple dates with the oncologist and I will be undergoing a new set of experiences starting on Tuesday.

I think the bastard took advantage of me while I was in covidville and weaker than normal.  I'm still not completely recovered from that as I lost about 20 pounds and I'm really weak in the knees.

This time it'll be different.  No cyclophosphamide and no vincristine. The peripheral neuropathy is no fun and I'm lucky I only had it in my feet.

It will be two days back to back, and then a month off and repeat. In the meantime I have some antivirals and sulfa to take because my immune system is a pathetic pile of crap.

So. Onward we go.