Saturday, November 01, 2008

The Julius Streichers of Talk Radio

Folks, we recently tuned into Media Matters, a website devoted to exposing the feces of partisan attacks on both sides of the aisle-that is, as long as there's an aisle. We found this today and I was stunned by the audacity of this fellow. I quote:

During the October 30 broadcast of his Cincinnati-based radio show,Bill Cunningham asked "Randy Furman," a fictional Jewish character voiced by fellow WLW-AM host Scott Sloan: "Did you hear about this [Columbia University professor of Middle East studies Rashid] Khalidi tape where [Sen. Barack] Obama is toasting a guy who wants to gas and fry Jews? ... This Obama guy loves the PLO [Palestinian Liberation Organization]. Can't you figure that out?" Cunningham later added, "Jews for [Sen. John] McCain because Obama wants to gas the Jews, like the PLO wants to gas the Jews, like the Nazis gassed the Jews. You got Obama introducing Arab terrorists, and the L.A. Times won't release the story.

From Jerome Corsi, discredited professor at a small left wing college and judgment debtor:

In an October interview with Gentleman's Quarterly magazine, responding to the question, "What's been the most interesting reaction to your book?" Jerome Corsi, author of the debunked anddiscredited book, The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, asserted: "This whole cult of personality is a miscalculation. We should have learned in the last century that a cult of personality was very dangerous -- left or right, Hitler or Stalin. It didn't work out very well."

From Ann Coulter:

On the October 30 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, Coulter asserted: "With one association after another that is beyond the pale with Barack Obama, I feel like we are talking to the Germans after Hitler comes to power saying, 'Oh, well, I didn't know. I had no idea he was going to be like this.' " As Media Matters for America has documented, Coulter has repeatedly likened Obama to Hitler.

From the Mark Levin show.

On the October 29 edition of ABC Radio Networks' The Mark Levin Show, Levin asserted that Obama is "really into these big German-like events that he creates in this country, isn't he? Have you noticed that?" Curtis Sliwa, WABC radio host and CEO and founder of the community activist organization Guardian Angels, responded: "I am telling you, and he comes out and it's almost as if the crowd stands in unison, and I'm saying to myself, 'Oh my God, the Olympic Stadium, Berlin, 1938,' " to which Levin replied: "Yeah, we've seen this. It's scary." Sliwa then asserted: "And the only thing missing is he's not standing up in an open car."

From Bill Cunningham:

On the October 28 edition of Clear Channel's The Big Show with Bill Cunningham, referring to Sen. John McCain, Cunningham asserted: "Maybe it's his age, or maybe it's his lack of eloquence. Whatever it is, the guy just doesn't have the same verbal skills of someone like a Barack Hussein Obama. Of course, Adolf Hitler had great verbal skills, too, and he led the country of his country to disaster."

It goes on, folks.  This is filthy.


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