Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Power8 Plans To Be Unveiled Feb. 20: B.O.H.I.C.A.

France 24 is reporting that Festung Airbus is ready to unveil the crappy end of the stick to workers on the 20th of the month as part of the much ballyhooed "Power8" restructuring program meant to restore financial health to the troubled aerospace company.

Dark rumors have been emerging from the German side of the Festung that suggest that if there are massive and unequal layoffs on the German side, Germany may well rethink its commitments to EADS on the defense side.

Also, Louis Gallois told Die Welt there's no doubt, plants are going to be sold or spun off.

It's quite clear that the guilty party is the A380 program that's turned into a money pit. One might also conclude that the problems with the A380 meltdown have tanked any chance of building the A350XWB in any kind of a competitive time frame.

For the worker bees, this can't be good. Let's hope that some of them are readers of The Dougloid Papers and took to heart the lessons I learned in the last aerospace downsizing in 1992.

Stay tuned.....this could get ugly.


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