Friday, February 10, 2006

Turn Out The Lights, the Party's Over Part III: Say Goodbye to Melbourne.

It is reported today that the party's over for the 103 surviving Dougloids who worked at Boeing's Melbourne, Arkansas facility repairing doors and flight controls. The facility was started back in 1966 by Douglas, and was yet another part of the Douglas legacy which will be wiped out, eradicated, torn to the ground, and have the dirt plowed with salt.

In an iscariotesque announcement, Boeing "deeply appreciates" the "professionalism and outstanding performance" of the workers but the decision to close the facility "reflects the unfortunate business realities facing the Melbourne operations."

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch: Randy Goes Globetrotting

Randy Baseler reports that he spent an enjoyable couple of weeks traveling throughout Europe, chatting with customers, investors, supply partners and the media. Do you suppose that he took home a doggy bag for the folks in Melbourne?


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